Pitt football Q&A with Paul Zeise
Monday, October 15, 2007
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Submit your Pitt football question
Q: Now that Steve Pederson has been fired from Nebraska, what are the chances he'll come back to Pitt?
Franklin Morris, Pittsburgh
ZEISE: I don't know if he'd be interested in coming back - or if the school would be interested in having him back, though he left here on good terms. The man just received a long extension over the summer, which means he is owed a lot of money for a lot of years to come, and I'm sure he'll likely take some time off before jumping back into another job. I think it is a shame when anyone loses their job but as I have said many times, college athletics is a bottom-line business and winning and losing is all that matters in the end. And at Nebraska, if you are going to remain in charge, you had better produce a winning football program. Unfortunately he did not and he likely sealed his fate when he gave Bill Callahan, a guy he hired, a contract extension this year. That goes to show you that schools can talk about what their priorities are, but if you are at a place like Nebraska, the only thing that matters is how well the Big Red are playing on Saturdays. But his choice of a football coach aside (though it should be noted Callahan was his fourth or fifth choice if you read the stories), Steve did a lot of great things at Nebraska - he is a mover, he is a shaker, he produced new facilities for the football program. He did a lot of good things for the overall athletic department and he did a lot of great things when he was at Pitt so I think Pitt should at least make the phone call to see if he's interested.
First published on October 15, 2007 at 5:26 pm
steve pedersen is a not a factor so get over it.
are the idiots at
pantherrants.blogspot part of your group? it's boring tedius stuff. i think if we are to create a grassroots change, the power of true blogging needs to be heard.
you are a loser. are you part of the:
angrysearcherofblogs.blogspot group?
All I know is that I hope I have to fight anyone in the WVU parking lot that is driving a mercedes benz like last year. I need to take me frusturations out on someone.
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