Friday, December 14, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
WVU Scouting Report
As the recruits continue to roll in-- BP checked in on West Virginia's recruiting efforts.
It seems football is no longer the craze in the Mountaineer state.
They're into a new game:
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Pittsburgh 2008
Friday, November 30, 2007
Dinner in Morgantown
Sheetz Gas Station, they call it the shit sandwich. Make sure you get one on the way out of hell.
Dinner in Morgantown
Sheetz Gas Station, they call it the shit sandwich. Make sure you get one on the way out of hell.
Shutting It Down
most of all, BP simply cannot stomach the thought of sitting in a half empty Heinz Field next fall, looking down and seeing bubble boy. You win smiler. We never had a chance.

Thursday, November 29, 2007
It's All Relative: A Photo Essay of Boner and Hangman's 2005 trip to Milan Puskar Stadium
We call it: a study in nuance.

Kickoff: Hangman discovers some rascal has
smeared feces on his seat. When questioned,
this spirited fan opts to smash Hangman in the face.

Boner is dismayed to learn his host family has opted to make it a 'Nascar weekend' rather than accompany him to Morgantown.
Funny story: As you can see, Boner and Hangman were a little worse for wear after tailgating. But what you don't know is-- Boner (left) later misplaced his watch! However, Hangman was able to get the vomit out his shirt.

Following NIT glory, a little silliness: The last I is dropped from Virginia turning what should have been a mediocre moment into a national embarrassment.

Last but not least, Boner the shutterbug manages to capture the essence of West Virginia football.
The Worst State in America

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Heinz Field Partnership Part Deux

Sunday, November 25, 2007
The Heinz Field Partnership
Are you hungry for some football? Heinz Field will be the name of the new 65,000-seat home of the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Pittsburgh Panthers under an exclusive 20-year partnership announced today.
Pitt is lucky. As the area's ultimate bottomman, only the salad tossers at the jail know the joy of such a rewarding 'partnership'.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Pitt's Real Senior Day
Thanks Steve for inspiring the young people.
This wacky group of alumni (class of 1936)
love taking the bus down to the stadium.
Next stop: Atlantic City.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
USF's own Debra LaFave Predicts Bull's Blowout

Great girl and USF is proud of her accomplishments. LaFave does deserve the credit for molding current USF QB, Matt Grothe into the player he is today. She gave him his first BJ when he was just 10 years old. Matt used to wear glasses back then and had a dorky mohawk.

What's JoePa's Salary? 3,4,5,6 Million?
Paterno and the school's top administrators must be disclosed by
the state retirement system, the state Supreme Court ruled Tuesday.
The 4-2 decision said the Commonwealth Court, which had ordered
the disclosure, properly balanced the public's interest in knowing
details about retirement system finances against the effects
disclosure might have on reputations and personal security.
There's been speculation for years that Paterno is among the
highest paid coaches, but the numbers have never been public.
Alabama's Nick Saban became the highest paid coach in college
football at $4 million per year when he was hired by the Crimson
Tide after last season. Oklahoma's Bob Stoops makes over $3 million
and several coaches, including Ohio State's Jim Tressel, Florida's
Urban Meyer and South Carolina's Steve Spurrier make upward of $2
million annually.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Black Monday
The Steelers crushed him.
He lost 980 dollars gambling on college games-- and he couldn't get his late Sunday Patriots bet in on time which would have halved his losses. Then, he had to pretend to be in a good mood even though his wife made him watch an Italian film about peasants during World War Two.
Most crushing of all-- the panthers fell victim to some Jersey home cookin. Hangman gets no solace from the rumors wiseguys pulled a tony soprano on the refs. no matter what, the end result is the same: hangman is hurting. As always (see Navy, Louisville, the last 2 decades) the questions remain: Why does Hangman keep coming back for more? Why does he work to sabotage smiling Steve from coming back? Why does he even care? Easy, Pitt is Hangman's Rose Marie.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Nordy's Message To Steve Pederson
It's a crucial moment for Pitt's fearless leader, Marky Mark Nordenberg. But Mark knows what he wants and its just a matter of time before his boner goes full throttle and Stevie comes home.
He tells former athletes to beat it, he doesn't talk to donors, and he fires everyone. That's just what Pitt needs Anonymous man! Couldn't be a better story for Pitt's shitty program....Steve comes back, fires Wannstedt, fires Buddy Morris, and everyone in the athletic department. Steve decides to bring in Bill Callahan and Walt as his assistant and he fires Agnus for Tracy Waites. "Steve is the best," says Anonymous Man. "At least we won when Steve was here," another great point by Mr. Anonymous. But Steve is a douche and so are you.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Nice School You F'ng Gafones

Meet Tommy Sputtoni-Morelli. Gandolfini's freshman year roommate. Tommy is famous for combining ricotta, polenta, and crostoli into one big dish he called a New Jersey
Shithouse. Tommy left us too early, dying at the age of 28 from a bacon overdose.
Meet North Jersey's own Chip Patinelli. After seeing this picture, Chip realized his life was a joke and he took his own life. His parents opted to bury him with his beloved red helmet.
BP National Desk: Packing Heat
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Chopping Wood Ruggers Style
Greg deposited something in his pants this year. I just hope I don't see him wearing those JoePa floods again with white socks and black turf shoes. Toolbag.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Breaking News: Cops Desperate To Locate Steve, Marc
LINCOLN — The tale of the tail end may have reached an end. At least that's what folks in Valentine, Neb., hope after someone slathered his bare backside — and front side — with Vaseline, then left prints on windows of businesses, schools and churches.Rewards offered through Crime Stoppers failed to halt the pants-dropping perpetrator's spree, which began in May.The local Midland News newspaper called the vandal or vandals "lewd, lubricated, lurching lunatics." A radio station dubbed them "the buttcheek bandits."

The pair are now being blamed for not only smearing the town of Lincoln, but the entire state of Nebraska.
In light of this breaking news:
BP poses the following hypothetical: which is worse?
Being the buttcheek bandit or Steve P?
Answer: Steve P.
Why? Because when he's eventually caught, the bandit will plead to a misdeameanor and be forgotten. As for Steve P- he can't show his face at a restaurant, a mall, a gas station, (and most of all) a Nebraska game ever again without facing public ridicule.
His 'dream job' is now a nightmare.
He's the OJ of the plain states and his Al Cowlings, Marc Boehm, will forever be his assistant butt bandit.
Nordenberg and Search Committee Hard at Work

Friday, November 9, 2007
Cheers To Pitt

Great question.
And one that we take seriously.
You see, we know what Pitt is doing. They want to assure the cold, corporate atmosphere only a pro stadium can bring to college athletics.
Boner's buddy, Darryl the Security Guard adds:
"It's genius. An early Saturday start guarantees a lack of attendence by both fans and students. All conviviality is lost. All buzz is killed. There's absolutely no consensus built. With a fractionalized fan-base, the same tired gray hairs stay in power... continuing to appease the masses with their dilettantish approach to Pitt athletics. True fans be damned."
BP doesn't know what all that means. Sounds a little too 'conspiracy theory'.
We've got our own theory: these dumbasses don't know what they're doing.
The only thing to do. Make it a holiday.
Treat every Pitt game like Christmas morning.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Boner Boy Scouting on Bye Week
That's all I have, pretty boring week when you see some dildo like this.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Fucking Hot dogs T-Bag Huskers
76 points is the most those hayseeds have ever allowed in a single game.
So before Bill gets his pink slip and brings to a close the Pederson Era,
we want to congratulate Boner Boy.
For years, B squared has worked to convince us that big-boned Mike was 'one to watch'.
Funny, back in July, the KC Star claimed this was an audition year for Mangino and that he'd better get it right-- or else.
Sounds familiar.
Anyway--here's one those magical 'teaching' moments that only adds to the fairytale.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Urban Dictionary 2008 entry
I.e. a Pitt fan showing up at a Penn State party and throwing beer at an Ohio State fan.
BP CSI slowed down Boner's video to reveal
the face of the Panther Fan at the center of the storm.
Dickie is considered drunk and dangerous.
BREAKING NEWS: Pitt Kid Kicks Ass At Penn State/Ohio State Game
Donations to the Eisenberger defense fund can be made to Pitt Blue Panthers
From Trib:
Richard A. Eisenberger Jr., 20, a University of Pittsburgh student, was charged with disorderly conduct and harassment in connection with an off-campus brouhaha before the Penn State-Ohio State football game last weekend, State College police said yesterday.
Police said they identified Eisenberger, of Easton, as the man seen in an online video throwing a beer can at an Ohio State fan Saturday night.
The unnamed victim, a 21-year-old Ohio State student, was walking through an outdoor party at the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity when party-goers became hostile, police said.
A video of the incident surfaced on YouTube and shows the victim being pelted with beer cans. Eisenberger struck the victim with a beer can near the neck, police said. Eisenberger could not be reached for comment.
The victim suffered bruising from the attack but did not require medical treatment, police said.
The fraternity also was charged with disorderly conduct, police said. Penn State's Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life has temporarily suspended Pi Kappa Alpha chapter activities until the investigation is complete.
Tailgater's Guide for Our Visiting Orange Fans
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Everyone wants to know, why? Why is Boner Boy a Pitt fan? What keeps him coming back to Heinz Field? It's simple, this song should make everyone realize just how deep my toughts are for this program of ours. One day back in 1990 Paul Hacket hooked me on the feeling of Panther ball. Ever since then, why yes, I have had a big boner for Pitt football. What's not to like? Nordy, Cochran, Wanny, the big yellow submarine ketchup bottle Rooney home at Heinz Field, cold nachos, old gray hairs sitting next to me, the worst college band in america coming out of the tunnel with smoke, empty seats everywhere, and most of all, our German national anthem. I will never leave you Pitt, as she will never leave me.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Anthony Morelli's Biggest Catch to Date

This Old Milwaukee is for you Morelli family, "It just don't get better than this!"

PSU, OSU reeling from 178th scandal in ten years
Photo: Ohio State Fans minutes
Here's an excerpt from a carefully worded letter that no doubt has any number of rich frat guys quaking:
As Associate to the President for Administration, I help Dr. Spanier address the important issues that are brought to his attention. Thank you for sharing your concerns about the behavior of some of our fans. Media accounts following the game indicated that fans were spirited, but overall exhibited better behavior, so I am disappointed to see the youtube video.
Our Office of Police Services is investigating it in an attempt to identify those involved.
Brad69 tells BP, "I must concur with Mr Clarett. I was one of the Ohio State 3 pelted with Natural Light. After the attack I took off down I-80 faster than Troy Smith through the Longhorns D-Line."