Mark Nordenberg & Judge Crappy. They are the one's to blame, not Dave Wannstedt, not Walt Harris, not the fat guy that sits in front of me at the Pete. These two morons are the one's that will gravitate Pitt towards mediocrity. Thanks you shitfaces.
Okay experts. Who is your pick to run Pitt athletics? its easy to sit back and act like no one is good enough. who is your guy? no answer? thats what i thought you losers. at least pederson is a proven commidity. no one seems to remember the pre walt days. wtihout pederson there is no division one football team in pittsburgh period.
Okay experts. Who is your pick to run Pitt athletics? its easy to sit back and act like no one is good enough. who is your guy? no answer? thats what i thought you losers. at least pederson is a proven commidity. no one seems to remember the pre walt days. wtihout pederson there is no division one football team in pittsburgh period.
You must be Marc Boehm and love sucking on Steve's balls.
afraid to answer the question? proving the web is filled with people who can't bring it when it counts. BTW no reason to be crude.
Crude--who called who losers up above ball sucker?
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