Thursday, November 15, 2007


He tells former athletes to beat it, he doesn't talk to donors, and he fires everyone. That's just what Pitt needs Anonymous man! Couldn't be a better story for Pitt's shitty program....Steve comes back, fires Wannstedt, fires Buddy Morris, and everyone in the athletic department. Steve decides to bring in Bill Callahan and Walt as his assistant and he fires Agnus for Tracy Waites. "Steve is the best," says Anonymous Man. "At least we won when Steve was here," another great point by Mr. Anonymous. But Steve is a douche and so are you.


Anonymous said...

do you really like dave wannstedt that much? what has he done that is so great? i'm no fan of harris, but theres no way he loses to navy this year. i say get a young guy in there willing to work his butt off. anyone say bo pellini?

Anonymous said...

What has Bo Pelini done? Let me ask you this, what do you think Pitt's record would be at this point with Bill Stull?