Friday, November 9, 2007

Cheers To Pitt

It's happened countless times.

Someone approaches Hangman in the Heinz Field parking lot on a Saturday morning and says, "This tailgate sucks. Why do you waste your time?"

Great question.

And one that we take seriously.

You see, we know what Pitt is doing. They want to assure the cold, corporate atmosphere only a pro stadium can bring to college athletics.

Boner's buddy, Darryl the Security Guard adds:

"It's genius. An early Saturday start guarantees a lack of attendence by both fans and students. All conviviality is lost. All buzz is killed. There's absolutely no consensus built. With a fractionalized fan-base, the same tired gray hairs stay in power... continuing to appease the masses with their dilettantish approach to Pitt athletics. True fans be damned."

BP doesn't know what all that means. Sounds a little too 'conspiracy theory'.
We've got our own theory: these dumbasses don't know what they're doing.

The only thing to do. Make it a holiday.
Treat every Pitt game like Christmas morning.
Sponsored by Jones Christmas Ham soda


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

you guys are BITTER. Pitt has sucked for so long i'm surprise you even care. best advice- stick with the steelers.

Anonymous said...

your team sucks too anonymous loser