Monday, October 22, 2007

FireDaveWannstedt.Com Traffic Takes A Hit

Welcome to Black Monday.

Pitt Fans still suffering from a Saturday hangover continue to email the Blue Panthers.

Their biggest concern?

Many are worried that the win against the Bearcats has temporarily stolen their

thunder. For a full 48 hours they were unable to continually parrot any of the following


"He's a good recruiter but a terrible coach."

"Look at his record in Chicago and Miami."

"He needs to fire his coaches."

Don't worry- There's a new buzz phrase. It's only been said 45,098 times since Saturday and will soon be appearing on a 5 dollar t-shirt exclusive to Art Rooney Avenue vendors.

"He Should Always Coach in The Press Box."

Great Call. Funny, observant, and so true.

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