Wednesday, October 24, 2007



Giant Boner has discovered that a double secret meeting occurred today. GB even got a picture of the meeting at Nordy's office.
What was this hush hush meeting all about?
Well, Nordy gathered all of the AD candidates together to let them know what was to be expected out of Pitt's next AD.
Afterall, Internet message boards and blogs have been going crazy since Jeff Shlong left
Pitt for West Virginia Southern aka Arkansas. Posters have come up with a list of candidates and submitted it to Nordy and Jerry. This list was the only information that the Chancellor and his committee used in the search. Every single name that was on this list, was at
today's morning meeting. The picture shows just who the candidates are (from left to right): Mike Ditka, Marty Schottenheimer, Donna Sanft, Nordy, Tom Donahoe, Dave Wannstedt, Marc
Boehm, and Steve Pederson. Nordy really has listened to all of the Rivals and Scout message board posters-- including one ass named Smallz aka Shady. Initially, Nordy was never going to consider Tom Donahoe but Giant Boner's sources have let us know that Tom is now in the driver's seat to become Pitt's next AD.
Great work Smallz! "Why wouldn't you want to consider the man that drafted Troy Edwards in the top 10 of the NFL draft as our next AD? He has plenty of years of experience as an athletic director too," said Nordy as he walked out of the meeting today.
A couple of things worry me with this picture. 1) Why is Donna Sanft concerned with looking over her shoulder at her former classmate Dave Wannstedt? 2) Why is Dave in the corner? And
last but not least, 3) How come Marc Boehm is at the head of the table??? Stay tuned for more AD search updates from Giant Boner and Smallz the man with the biggest internet fists. Reporting from The Syria-Lebanon Nationality Room in the Cathedral of Learning, I am Giant Boner.
PS--not one of these clowns will get hired, but we had to laugh here at the Pitt Blue Panthers over all these internet experts.


Anonymous said...

inspiring post sir. but you forgot mark may- jk.
in all serousness i'm acutally curious as to why the fascination with pederson and boehm. do u really dislike them as people or just the stadium decision?? you have to admit pitt was faltering at the time.

Anonymous said...

i am sure it has nothing to do with the stadium, but ahhhh look at the picture of the attendance from saturday buddy. stevie was a con-artist.

Anonymous said...

Stevie would have given us PSU and OSU (even if it was a 2/3 ratio)... instead of Jeff (Kermit thee Frog) Long's opponents: Grambling State, Seton Hill, and CCAC South Hills.... BRING BACK STEVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Anonymous said...

stevie aint coming back ass