Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Poltergeist

Looks Like Wanny will pull the Poltergeist (a.k.a JoePa) this Saturday.

BP is tickled just thinking about Dave peering through the press box
window at us while we're bent over the Cincy spread offense.


Anonymous said...

you and pantherrants.blogspot should take a lesson from and actually do some pointed analysis. Not to be a stick in the mud but PITT is in crisis mode and needs serious thought from its alumni on how to get out of this fix.

hangman said...

Okay I'll play along. Who is this? No one could possibly be this f'n lame.

My pointed analysis tells me you need to stopwritingouturls.dbag.

Nice joke though.

Anonymous said...

As bad as it is at Pitt these days... at least no one on the sidelines at Heinz Field is soiling their pants during the game. (some trouble at PSU last year...)

Boner Boy said...

anyone that posts anonymously is a turtlehead. what a dork.