Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Forgotten Victims

While the Smiler plots a comeback, BP would like to take a minute to remember the forgotten victims.

The public rejection of them was an early indication that Steve was a man capable of gross miscalculation.

Ultimately, his sick obsession forced us all to take a closer look at the man behind the smile.

Who could ever forget the ultimate in lame?
Yes, Bubble Boy.
Are you kidding?
True story: Boner Boy nearly attacked a hobo after seeing this freak.

Lil Red. Big Dildo.

Then there's this gem.
Herbie Husker. Recently convicted of felony assault.

Finally, the worst yet.
Steely McBeam aka Cleveland McSteamer.


Anonymous said...

Breaking news:

The ACL surgery is a sham, according to sources close to the situation Wanny entered UPMC for a brain transplant late last night.

This is great news for the Pitt football program, maybe now Wanny will be coherent, finally understand on how to coach, put a game plan together and assemble a coaching staff and win a game.


I’m just bull shitting all of you.

Remember Walt wasn’t good enough, he took Pitt to six bowl games in eight years. Wanny was hired to take Pitt to the next level.

Give Wanny more time!

Boner Boy said...

you were probably one of the first guys that wanted walt fired--you ass.